Our host met today’s guest back in 2011, when he was serving in the Kairos Prison Ministry. At that meeting, Brother Daryl Monmouth got up and shared a word. Jake recognized that Daryl was a minister within the walls of that unit. A friendship formed between these brothers in Christ. Now a “liberated ex-con”, Daryl served 21 years and six months in prison and is married, working full time, and excited about living life and continuing to get “reacquainted with society”. Brother Daryl’s joy is contagious, and he’s on the podcast sharing what God has placed on his heart today.
Press and Reach is all about focusing on the Good News! We highlight three areas: faith, family, and community. We remain faith-based, which is to say, we’ll continue to share how the Lord makes a difference in every aspect of our lives. We’ll also continue to introduce you to those out in the community who are making a difference – ministries, nonprofits, entrepreneurs, and business leaders. This time around, though, we want to designate more of our time to talk about family. One podcast each week will be dedicated to family – embracing, encouraging, and equipping families to be cornerstones within our communities. At Press and Reach, we’re operating in faith, believing in God’s promises to us in His Word:
The mission of HLE Radio is “To effectively communicate the message of the Gospel and inspire those who don’t know or fully understand it, through full-time Christian Country music and specialty programs over Internet radio using real Christians from everyday walk of life to minister to the lost and hurting as well as uplift and encourage today’s Christians. We want our radio station to glorify God.”* Station manager and morning show host, Hunter Logan, was born and raised in the town HLERadio calls home – Jennings, Louisiana. He’s on the podcast today sharing about this exciting ministry God has called him to lead, and how he came from performing music to a new frontier in running an internet radio station.
Addiction is real, and it shows up in sometimes unexpected places. Whether by drugs or alcohol or sexual sin, addiction becomes quite a stronghold that keeps us from experiencing the freedom we can experience when we walk with Christ. Today’s guest is co-pastor of Joshua 1:2 Fellowship in San Angelo, Texas, where he lives with his wife and their daughter, Sarah. He’s on the podcast today to talk about the Kingdom work being done in San Angelo, and also about his own personal journey into a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Today’s guest is Rey Sandoval, Senior Pastor of Rise Church in Abilene, Texas. From the church’s website, “RISE CHURCH seeks to “Rethink Church” with unique methods that are relevant with today’s culture while never compromising foundational Biblical truths and principles. RISE CHURCH gatherings won’t be your typical or traditional church service but rather will incorporate a more causal and laid back atmosphere and featuring a café that offers drinks and snacks during and after services. RISE CHURCH will also be a place for people to fellowship. We seek to provide a fun alternative to the usual weekend activities with concerts, DJ’s, and events.” They recently celebrated one year as a church. Pastor Rey and his wife Maria have two children, son Remy and daughter Malia. . Listen as he shares some of his journey from heroin addiction to a life fully surrendered to Jesus Christ.
Joel B. McCray is a performer, writer, composer, teacher, and overall lover of music. A track scholarship in the 90’s brought him out of Riesel, Texas, to the University of Texas at Arlington. He’s been in the DFW area ever since, where he lives with his wife and their two children. Joel graduated from UTA with a BBA in Finance, and began working in commercial lending. Though he made a good living, he hated his job. His heart, his passion, and his calling are in music. Joel is on the podcast today sharing some of that journey of discovery – learning from the situations and experiences on the way to where God wants you to be.
Dustin Renz is the founder of Make Way Ministries. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Church Ministries and currently serves as an associate pastor for a church in Ohio. He’s also an author and speaker, as well as husband to Brittany and dad to Abigail and Claire. He’s on the podcast today talking about the freedom he’s found in living a transparent life fully surrendered to Jesus Christ.
There’s enough bad news out there today, and plenty to discourage us. At Press and Reach we want to focus on the good news, which is the gospel. We look for people in the community who are doing great things. We’ve come across several organizations that provide excellent opportunities for any of us to serve. God is counting on us to go out and carry forth His love into our communities. Here’s a recap of some of those we’ve discovered in our first season of podcasts who are doing things in the name of the Lord and demonstrating the Gospel at work.
NewDay Services impacts children’s lives by empowering their parents–offering them hope and inspiration through practical tools and life coaching. They are a fantastic faith-based organization wrapping up their 20th year of serving North Texas. Clients come from the courts, child welfare and community agencies. Mr. Stephen Goodman has two adult daughters and a granddaughter. He’s the program coordinator for one of NewDay’s services, Fatherhood:EFFECT. Mr. Reggie Moss – a husband, father, grandfather, and Dallas native – works with the Fatherhood:EFFECT as a Mentor-Navigator. They are on the podcast to share more about NewDay and how they are building relationships to impact the community.
Our guest today is an author, a speaker, a life coach, and an ordained minister. More importantly, she’s a sister in the Lord. Her style is direct, and her attitude is positive and high-energy. She is a native of Chicago, but now makes her home in the Dallas Fort Worth area. . Listen as Ms. Alisa Bell shares about her big bold move to Texas.