Dr. Nate Hearne and I first met in a Texas correctional unit, where I volunteer. At that time, he was the unit chaplain, ministering to the “men in white” day in and day out. I’ve had the privilege of hearing Dr. Hearne, who I know as “Chap”, preach to and share his heart with those guys. As a lifetime educator, he and his wife speak in local school districts and other organizations, looking to encourage the young people before they get into the system. Chap is also a previous guest on the podcast, where we talked about his book Friday Night Lights: Untold Stories from Behind the Lights. In this episode, I’m catching up with him and getting his unique perspective and thoughts on all the things going on in our world today.
During this episode we discuss:
Jake Enriquez (00:02):
Well, welcome back to Press and Reach. My name’s Jake Enriquez, your host. And today man, I got a great friend, and man, what a servant he is, and just been a joy to be able to meet him, to work alongside him. And I just want to introduce you to a good friend – Chaplain Nate Hearne. Chap, how you doing this morning, man?
Nate Hearne (00:24):
I’m doing great.
Jake Enriquez (00:26):
All right. Well, you know, I always ask people, just introduce yourself, man. Maybe there’s somebody that’s gonna listen, doesn’t know you, or who you are, so just introduce yourself real quick, if you would.
Nate Hearne (00:38):
Just like my brother Jake said, you know, served as a chaplain for a period of time with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. Um, but my background for 35 years has been in education. Uh, I’ve been a science teacher, I coached football for many years. I went into administration, served as a principal and my last year as director of student attendance. And all of that time, in those vocations, my whole impetus was to wake up every single day to help somebody, to improve someone’s life, words, and actions. [Yes, sir] That’s what I do, and I’ll continue to do that to the day I die.
Jake Enriquez (01:29):
Amen. Amen. Well, yeah, you know, I do know – Chap, you have, man, you’ve got a long, a long record of service. Teaching school, you know, my wife was a school teacher and I went over to her classroom sometimes and, Oh my goodness! Now she taught Kinder, but you know, what a blessing it was, you know? And I tell you what, man, I used to watch her in that classroom. She just, it was just like, came to life in there, you know, but, uh, she had a great time, but I know the impact that teachers have on the lives of others, man. But not only were you a teacher, you were a coach – like you were just saying before – administrator, a preacher, a chaplain. That’s where I met you, as a chaplain. And uh, and of course it just goes on from there. But man, you became that over time and it seems like because of your own experiences in the past, you know, people have poured into you along the way.
Jake Enriquez (02:31):
And I was going to ask you, who would you say has been most influential to you in your life? And here’s the thing I know, Chap. When we think about that thing, we think, “Well, I don’t want to leave nobody else out.” Is there that one person that’s been really influential in your life?
Nate Hearne (02:49):
Well, it’s just, like you said, there are so many people who have been influential in my life, but you know that the thing that I have to give credit to were my parents. I don’t know in this day and time this might be apropos to mention, but, my mom and my dad were just such pioneers. You know, I grew up in the fifties and sixties. My sister was just here. She visited with me. I’m from a family of eight. We were talking about, how the courage it took for dad, back in the sixties Jake, to put us in that old ’59 station wagon and go to take those fishing trips, to Balmorhea and Texarkana and all of those places back in the fifties and sixties. And then we truly had to prepare all the food, because there were places that we really, you know, you couldn’t go eat, you couldn’t use the restroom.
Nate Hearne (03:48):
You had to be very careful what time you were on the freeway. But, he never stopped. He would always take us to experience life. And when I thought about that, she said that to me, you know, I thought, wow, what a gift that he gave us to have that courage to put our faith in God. And my mom, uh, was that Bible-toting mother who would pray over us. Those were the most influential people in my life.
Jake Enriquez (04:18):
Okay, awesome. So man, what an upbringing you said, did you say eight children? Wow, man. Okay. Okay. I’ve got seven and I’m thinking, man, we gotta, you know, half of them are out of the house, but half of them are there, you know, that would make three and a half, but uh, no, we’ve got, you know, we got four of them at home.
Nate Hearne (04:43):
I’ve seen pictures of your family. They’re beautiful. You have a beautiful family, beautiful wife. Just, what a gift from God, Jake.
Jake Enriquez (04:51):
Thank you for that, Chap. Thank you, man. I appreciate it. Well, you know, I’ve read your book and you know, I’ve mentioned it before. Your book has really touched me, man. Um, the Friday Night Lights: [Stories from] Behind the Lights. And I think about, you know, because you really did share a lot of your personal experiences growing up and it was heartfelt. So, um, man, again, uh, what a great book it is, but I want to touch on that because I think about some of the issues that are going on today and man, we need some help out here because a lot of us, you know, can become easily discouraged when we hear things from other people and we gotta focus out here man, or we will be easily swayed. [That’s true] You know, to listen to this or listen to that. And you know, if we don’t fix our mind, uh, on above, yes, sir. And we easily get swamped up in this mess, you know, but when I think about, racial issues, yes, sir. I couldn’t think about a better guy to come and address some of this stuff. So I’m just going to ask you, man…black lives matter. The issue we hear today, I’m just going to ask you, what’s your take on that? What, what do you think the real issue is behind that?
Nate Hearne (06:13):
Um, you know, I just have to give my experiences and what I feel that has this movement. Okay. And, um, from, from my experiences and it’s rich, because I grew up going to school in an all-black school and then in 1960, we were integrated and I experienced that. And I lived in a very segregated community out in West Texas where Jake, there were the signs – “colored”, “white”. There was, you know, we couldn’t, we couldn’t use the bathrooms. Um, we couldn’t, we have to go to the back of the restaurant to eat. Uh, we couldn’t use the public library. We couldn’t use the public pool. When we walked into the grocery school, we had to wait till the whites were…my mom, whenever we’d shop with her, she would have to wait til every White went through and put their things on the counter.
Nate Hearne (07:18):
And after they were all done, she could put hers on there. So I remember growing up in that kind of environment. I remember some of the, the hatred. I remember my brother who fought in Vietnam, decorated Marine, comes home . We would go to Otto’s, to eat ice cream. And they called the law on him, because he wasn’t supposed to be eating in the front. And he had just come back from serving his country. So those are the things that I remember. So this “black lives matter” movement, because of all of the systemic racism and all those kinds of things. To see a man, another man so lightly take another man’s life and the way he did it, it just sparked the fire. All of those things and all of that, “Get back”, “You gotta wait,” “You’re not as good.” “You’re sub-human.” All of those things just came out in that moment. And I think the world saw it, because, you know, we have a tendency to talk about abortion. We have a tendency to talk about gay rights and we just skip over the most important thing, not just in America, around the world. It is the systemic racism that is permeating not just America; that’s why the world reacted to this. And to see, you know, we talked about the lynchings. Now we don’t really know how many, because my dad grew up in Arkansas and he had cousins who were, I mean, he had cousins who just disappeared and no one ever said anything about them. We don’t know how many blacks have lost their lives and this thing, because it persists, it’s ignited a fire.
Nate Hearne (09:15):
And I believe that there’s a right way to go about it. I don’t believe in the rioting. I don’t believe in the burning. I don’t believe in the looting. I believe that, you know, it’s like Abraham Lincoln said when he stood out and looked over those graves at the Gettysburg address. He said this government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from this earth. The thing that we shouldn’t miss is “of the people, by the people, and for the people” – this government. And right now, uh, this government has never really…it is society, all of this, has lost that vigor, that American way. We’ve lost our way, and that’s not America. We are the picket fence, mom and dad, Apple pie. We go out and we win wars. We do the right thing.
Nate Hearne (10:16):
It’s just lost its way. And that’s why this black lives matters movement has just exploded. It has exploded because people are tired of the subjugation of colors and race. And I said it to you, you know, there’s no…In other countries, Jake, there’s no such thing as blacks, reds, browns, yellows. They don’t do that. If you go to those other countries, they see you as an American. They’ll see Jake Enriquez. Jake as an American, not an Hispanic-American, they just see you as an American and that’s who you are. And we put the color on it to separate the races.
Jake Enriquez (10:59):
Right, right.
Nate Hearne (11:01):
I think that what we need to do is to come together and to treat each other as human beings. And if we can do that Jake, if we can get up in the morning, helping someone else, looking forward to helping someone – no matter who they are!
Jake Enriquez (11:15):
Yeah. Yeah. I like that. I liked that, Chap. You know, when I was listening to you, you were talking about, uh, the color of our skin, you know, that separates us as people. I think sometimes we have, you know, each and every one of us have a prejudice somewhere that exists. And we don’t even know it sometimes. We’re not even so aware of it, we don’t pay attention to it. But you know, some people would say, and I’m going to address this issue from the perspective of the church. And I was going to ask you, you know, as you hear the responses, you know, we got social media now, Chap, and everybody puts their opinion out there quick, man, you know? And you know, when you hear the responses from people in the church, what do you find most surprising to you? Because when I was listening to you, I can understand that your perspective, and you’ve seen a lot more, but some people would say things like, well, the, the guy, Mr. Floyd, he was, uh, committing a crime. So they stand behind a justification. Right. But like my wife says, my wife always says “There is a system.” So you can’t go to just be judge and jury on the street. [Thank you] So what would you say, what’s been the most surprising thing to you that you hear coming from Christians, from the Church?
Nate Hearne (12:45):
I think the surprising thing is, is that we are now trying to make the church political, and that’s not, that was never, that will never work, Jake. [Okay] I believe with all my heart that we should separate ourselves from the political stance and just be about God. When politics get into it, measured over man. And you don’t measure that man by the standards that we read in this Bible – if you can look at a man with amoral character and say that he is not the moral standard for America, that’s not being a president, that’s not who we should look to as a moral example – then that is the biggest disservice that we could ever do as Christians. [Yes, sir] For any entity, for anybody, and especially someone in that position to be the most powerful person in the world.
Nate Hearne (13:45):
And you say that he’s not our moral leader, as a Christian. That to me is…Because he says it in revelation – either you be hot or you be cold. Do not be lukewarm. Because I will spit you out of my mouth. [Yes, sir] So if you’re going to be hot on one man who served in the office, and then you’re going to be lukewarm on another one when it comes to moral issue. Ah, Jesus said, will spit you out of my mouth because you’re not teaching the moral character that I have presented in this Bible. It’s wrong for evangelicals to do that. [Yes, sir] I believe that with all my heart and that’s coming out of church strong now. It is strong. It’s so bad that you got the president of Liberty University, who’s supposed to be the moral example of evangelicals, and he’s on a boat with another woman with his pants unzipped, with a drink in his hand. And I’m thinking, this is the voice for Christianity? This is the voice for evangelicals? And I think it’s that the amoral example that we give, the immoral example that we get. And when a man can do that as a leader of the Christian world and he’s at a university and he feels that it’s okay. I’m sorry. I can’t accept it. That’s the church.
Jake Enriquez (15:21):
Yeah. Amen. We’re in trouble when that happens. [We’re in trouble] You know, I always like to say, you know, we can’t take verses from the Bible and use them as just a simple thing to throw out there when we want to use it as our defense, or we want to use it to make it sound good. But I think, uh, you know, one of the most infamous verses is “trust in the Lord, you know, with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” And today I think that we are as a people out here, period, leaning on our own understanding. In other words, I understand it this way. And somebody else understands it this way. So we’re all, we’re just kind of leaning towards our own understanding, but God says, “Hey, trust in Me, and I’ll show you how to walk this thing out.” And, uh, you know, one of the things behind that is, is the actual, the care, the, the willingness to go, the willingness to go into somebody else’s life, man. And, uh, talk about that a minute, because you’ve done that in your service, all of your life. And by the way, you’ve done that with…it doesn’t matter what race, who it was. You gave it all for each and every one because you saw it in the person and you always tried to build the character in someone. I’ve heard you say many times, uh, integrity. You talk to people about doing the things, the right things when nobody else is looking and building people up. So, talk about how does that look for a Christian, Chap? How’s that look for us? How do we go about when I don’t understand it and I don’t agree, I’m going to trust in God and keep walking into somebody else’s life, because I want to understand somebody else. I want to learn to grow with them. Okay. So how does that, what does that look like for us there?
Nate Hearne (17:19):
There’s two components to that, Jake and it’s first of all, um, it’s about…they say it’s a study that was done by Harvard, by Dr. Waldinger, a psychiatrist, a professor from Harvard. And they took 200 men from Harvard and they started it for 70, started in 1938 and they started them into the present. And they wanted to know one thing about these guys. What is the thing that makes us the happiest and healthiest in life? From 75 years of data collected, and they came to the conclusion that people who are able to develop or establish and maintain positive relationships are the happiest and healthiest and the most successful. If you’re happy and you’re healthy, I don’t care if you’re digging a ditch, Jake, you gotta be successful, right? If you’re happy and healthy, you’re going to be successful.
Nate Hearne (18:12):
If you’re able to maintain and build positive relationships, those are the people that are going to leave the deepest legacy. And we have to be intentional about our legacy. We have to know that we’re going to leave a legacy. You’re leaving a legacy right now for your children. And you’re leaving a legacy for all those people who you interact with. Because when you go in front of those people, Jake, they see you, they see what you do. They see what you say. But the most important thing about what you do with those people is that, that integrity thing that when they’re not looking, when you don’t think anybody’s looking, am I still that Jake that I put in front of them? Does what I say match what I do, even when they’re not around. That’s your legacy.
Nate Hearne (19:00):
And so I believe with all my heart. That’s how we interact with people. And that’s how we deal with this thing and get over this caste system, this race system, this systemic racism – that our actions and our words match. And that’s what I’ve always used all my life. And that’s, and I’m not bragging, but I know I’ve been successful in doing that because this phone that I get, all of these things from all these kids that I’ve taught and I’ve interacted with over the years, they say, you changed my life. You had an impact upon my life. And it’s whites and it’s blacks and it’s browns. So the proof is in the pudding. I can show people these things that I give them, and it’s being able to build those relationships and being able to be intentional about living your legacy and leaving a positive legacy. And that’s what you do every day. And that’s what makes you successful. We should all strive to do that. The relationship thing is the most important thing there is, Jake, about what we do.
Jake Enriquez (20:07):
I couldn’t agree with you more, Chap. I love doing it. I do. But it wasn’t that way for me always, you know? But the more I did it, the more I wanted to do more of it. I really did. I just like to go see about people in a different way. So let’s talk about, real quick before we go to break…What about the guy sitting at home and the brother just finds himself looking at the news. He’s disgruntled, he’s mad, and you know, what can he do to start changing his direction, his course for his life? You know, because I can tell him all day long, Hey man, you know, get involved in serving. Go start there, you know, because that’ll change your perspective. Well what can some of the smallest things, what are some small things that people can do, uh, to start changing that course? You know, I used to tell my kids, I’m just going to give you an example. I used to tell my kids, I’d say, “Hey, say hello to five people today that you don’t know. Brother, can you smile?” I tell my kids, you know, and they would, they would laugh. Dad, you know, I say hello, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t. So I’m asking you, what are some of the small things that people can do to start changing those ways? Start changing that course, get a little uncomfortable, and start getting out there a little bit more. What would they be, do you think, Chap?
Nate Hearne (21:30):
First of all, it’s what you said – smile at somebody. Try to do something decent for somebody. Think about, take yourself out of it. You know, Jake, the most successful people in the world when it comes to developing relationships, they minister to people in the midst of their pain. That’s what Jesus taught us!. And if you can go out, if you can wake up with a goal in mind, if you can take a bad habit and replace it with a good habit, you are on the road to success. And this other thing – when I sit there and I start looking at all of these things about what’s going on in the world, I think about what I can do to help someone else. And that makes it better for me because I’m not going to wallow in the chaos . That’s nothing that’s positive. I’m not going to wallow in that. I’m going to find a way to see if I can get out and do something good to help someone else.
Jake Enriquez (22:26):
Amen. I like that, Chap. We got to walk out there and do something, huh? You know, the opportunities are everywhere aren’t they? I mean, you could be at home in your front yard and see somebody needs a hand. [Thank you!] Any little thing, so man, I greatly appreciate that. I’ll tell you what we’re going to do, we’re going to take a quick break and we’ll be right back. [Yes, sir].
Jake Enriquez (22:48):
So welcome back from the break. Earlier, before the break, we were just talking about serving others and how to go about and do that. And it starts with the small things, you know, and I think that’s a great, a great example. But Chap, you know what, now we’ve got to address this other thing and nobody likes to talk about it. Uh, we talk about, I guess, way too much, but it’s COVID-19. You know, man, we’re masked up, we, uh, we washed our hands more in the past few months than any other time out there. I mean, we know about social distancing. There’s all kinds of things going on. Now some people say it’s a conspiracy, it’s all this old stuff. Uh, but then some people, they won’t leave the house, you know? So what do you think about that, Chap? What are your thoughts on that? What’s your take on it? What do you say about it?
Nate Hearne (23:40):
I would say this: when it first hit, when they knew it was coming, If I said to you, Jake – and I have all the power in the world – and I say to you, Jake, I need someone to go in there and I need someone to do something about this pandemic. I need someone to get a plan together to stop this thing from devastating America, because it’s going to do it if we don’t do something about it. And I know that because you are a man of compassion that you would go to that White House and you would devise a plan to help people overcome this thing. It is not a hoax. It has killed 170,000 people. And it is continuing to kill people today. So get the hoax out of your mind, it is not a hoax because people have died. All they have to do is go talk to those people who haven’t had an opportunity to say even good bye to their loved ones. All they have to do is talk to them. People are dying. But you’re a man of compassion and you would have devised a plan. Even if you didn’t have a plan already, you would have devised a plan under your compassion, because you care about people. The only reason that this thing has gotten away from us is because we didn’t have compassion in a leadership stance. When Abraham Lincoln stood up for the Gettysburg address and he walked up and he saw all those white markers from all of those men who died, you know what he did? He cried. Whenever you go back in history and you see the ones that we remember the most, what did they have? They had compassion, Jake!
Jake Enriquez (25:26):
Man. Yeah. Yeah. Gave their lives for things, you know.
Nate Hearne (25:30):
Gave their lives! To serve their country. That’s who we are, that’s what America is made up of. Men who know how to lead. We have to have compassion in that position for ALL, for everyone. If we don’t, if we don’t know how to get it, then we need to pack our bags, get outta there and let somebody come in there who can.
Jake Enriquez (25:50):
Come on, Chap. Right? Let somebody else do it if you don’t want to do it. Well, you know, I think about some of the things being said and people said, well, you know, we’re not supposed to, uh, live in fear. And uh, but there’s something else about that scripture that I hear a lot of people quoting, you know, he says that God didn’t give us a spirit of fear, but finish it. But he gave us a spirit of love, power and what? Sound mind. So we’re supposed to exercise wisdom in doing these things, you know, um, if it’s a mask that’s going to help somebody else, man, I’m wearing it. If I could wash my hands, you know, I’m going to go by the things they say to do. Do I think that that solves all the problems? No, but I’m thinking that, Hey, we got to do the best we can because we really don’t know so much about it. You know? So we’re trying to make way for one another, is the way I see it. We’ve got to help each other out in those ways as we continue to walk through there, but to the guys that like to use that verse, Chap, what do you say about that? When they say, Whoa, we’re just operating in fear doing it that way.
Nate Hearne (26:58):
God gave us a sense of fear, Jake. That’s why we’ve survived, because He gave us that sense of fear. We operate out of fear every single day. Right? [Yeah] So that fear is a good thing because it keeps us out of trouble. It keeps us, it keeps us from doing stupid things, right? So we should operate out of fear to protect ourselves, right? [Yeah] And to say that’s taken out of context, you know, we’re not stupid. We shouldn’t be stupid. We have a fear of certain things in life, and so therefore we do precautionary things to avoid those things that we know might hurt us. [Yes sir] So we do operate out of fear.
Jake Enriquez (27:46):
Yeah. Come on, Chap. What’d you say? It’s what keeps us alive, huh?
Nate Hearne (27:49):
It keeps us alive, Jake!
Jake Enriquez (27:51):
Yeah. I like that. You know, uh, this time, I also hear people use COVID-19 for an excuse. Now, this is what I mean by that. Number one, it really irritates me sometimes – and I’m just being honest, man – when I’m trying to get in touch with something in business, they say, “Well, due to COVID-19…” Come on, man! Everything can’t be COVID-19! You know? And then I hear people say, and I was laughing. I was telling my wife this the other day, you know, people are mad because, church – you can’t go to church freely the way we were before. [Yes, sir] And I tell my wife, you know, some people who are saying that weren’t going to church anyway! And they want to complain about that!
Jake Enriquez (28:41):
But you know, I love the mere fact that uh, pastors would exercise, caution, uh, and doing it that way. And they’re doing the best they can, you know, we’re called in a time…no one’s ever really experienced that. They’re doing the best they can, you know? So we pray for one another and pray for the leadership to do the best they can. But when they say “we can’t even go to church” and I think about people who are not really been going to church this time, Chap, it does call for a change. And uh, I think that it calls so much for a change that God causes us to pay attention. In other words, we were way too comfortable over here. [Yes, sir] And I hear a lot of people say they can’t wait for it to go back to normal. What do you think about that, Chaplain Hearne? Go back to normal.
Nate Hearne (29:28):
Well, first of all, I believe that, if we’re pastors, we’re called to shepherd. Right? Alright. So if we’ve got our flock, and let’s just use this imagery of sheep, and they’re headed off a cliff, right? You see one of them headed off the cliff, but we know if this one goes off, the rest are going to follow it, right? [Right] So our job as shepherds is to stop that one, to make sure we protect him so the others will not follow. Our job, Jake, is to protect our flocks. It’s to protect them from any kind of harm and danger. Just like you said, this thing, it’s for real. And so, if we’re going to open our church doors, yes, our praise should be to God. That’s why we’re doing it. All right. We go to church to praise God.
Nate Hearne (30:21):
[Yeah] And we do it as a collective body. But when we’ve got a thing that is wiping out, if you had one person in a choir of 50 and then 39 of them get it because they were practicing, you know, that’s nonsensical to keep coming back to do that, right? And some of them even died, right? So what we want to do is protect our flock. If I was still pastoring, there is no way I would bring my people back into that environment until I was 100% sure that no one would be affected by that virus. I don’t care what people would say to me. I don’t care all the hate mail. I don’t care anything about that because if I lost one, Jake, just one…that’s something that I wouldn’t be able to live with, to get over.Jake Enriquez (31:15):
Yeah. That’s good. I appreciate that Chap, you know, because that requires…it demands responsibility. [It does] And I don’t think that people are really aware of how much of a responsibility that is. I wouldn’t want, I’m just telling you, I wouldn’t want to be in that predicament or that place. So I would just remind, you know, any listener – man, pray for the leaders who’ve got to go through there and make those decisions. They’re doing the best they can, you know? Um, but I don’t believe that, you know, anything moves without the hand of God out here. So these things that are stirred up with this pandemic, by the way, what do you see happening with that Chap, if you can? What do you feel – because my personal thing is I feel like we’ve been comfortable way too long. But this thing, watch, this thing has impacted the entire world. It’s not just the city of Arlington, you know, and God uses things to get our attention sometimes. So what are your thoughts on it? You know, the overall.
Nate Hearne (32:18):
Well, I would just piggyback on that because I don’t think anything happens for no reason. It’s all connected. There’s a reason that this pandemic started and there’s a reason why some people have ignored it and some people have jumped on top of it. I believe with all my heart, the most important thing about this is that God is trying to say to us that, “You’re My children and being My children…And I’ve sent something that now that just doesn’t affect one people, it affects everyone around the world.” So I’m encouraging you to come together to do whatever it takes to make this thing, not so much a part of our everyday lives that we can come together. We can share our knowledge and we can defeat this enemy. We can, we can knock it out. But as long as we’re fragmented, as long as one person is doing this thing over here, and one person doing this thing over this, and what person is accusing this people over here, you already know what I’m saying, Jake, once we get all these fragmented things coming together, people will continue to lose their lives until we understand that we’re all the same. We’re all the same. We, once you take the skin off Jake, we are 99.9% the same.
Jake Enriquez (33:42):
Amen. Yes, sir.
Nate Hearne (33:44):
We have the same feeling. We bleed the same way. We have the same emotions, even though our languages are different. We’ve got interpreters now and we know how to collaborate with each other. And I believe if we put our minds together, you know, we shouldn’t withdraw out of the World Health Organization. We shouldn’t make China an adversary. We shouldn’t make any country an adversary when we’re fighting a common foe. We’re all fighting a common foe and that means come together and let’s do something about it. No one should have 170,000 people dying. When all these minds we have that can come together, that can do something about it? I just don’t see. It’s nonsensical to me not to use other minds to help overcome something that is killing people around the world.
Jake Enriquez (34:38):
Well, man, we definitely have some, uh, obstacles to overcome. We have some challenges to overcome. And what I’m hearing you say is, you know, unity is always built in humility. When people put down the pride and put down all those stuff and come together and work together, there’s just no limit to the things that we can really go do together, right? What a beautiful thing it is, just to even think about everyone working together. Now, tough. I know it’s a tough thing, but I know that we can. I know that we really can. You know, Scripture tells us Chap, Hey, be transformed by the renewing of your mind. So during this time, this season, and I don’t say it because it’s pandemic and all these other things, I’m just saying just right now for you, what are some of the things that you’ve been doing to keep transforming and renewing your mind?
Nate Hearne (35:29):
Well, the thing that I do more than anything – I want to stay in touch with, first of all, family. I want to stay in touch with long established relationships. I want to stay in touch with, if I hadn’t seen anybody and I’m working out in the Y and they come through and I want to say, “Hey! Jake! It’s so good to see you!” To keep those relationships fruitful.
Nate Hearne (35:55):
And the other thing too, is establishing goals. My goal is to be able to help as many people as I possibly can. Now, in order for me to do that, the first thing I gotta do is make sure I’m healthy. Just like you do every day. I have to make sure that I’m balanced – emotionally, physically, spiritually, financially, all of those things. That I’m balanced, because if I’m out of whack in some area, then I can’t go out and I can’t help Jake, I can’t help this guy. I can’t help this guy. I can’t be there to help these people who call on me. So that’s the other thing that I do. I want to make sure that I take care of Nate Hearne too, so I can go out, wake up, and help someone else.
Jake Enriquez (36:43):
Oh, that’s good, man. I’m glad to hear that too, by the way. It’s good to see you Chap, man. Thank you so much for coming out here and hanging out with us. You know, I could just go on and on and on, but I know you gotta go do some stuff, you know. But man, hey, where can people get in touch with you, man? You know, I tell people about you all the time, so we’re where could they go just to get in touch with you?
Nate Hearne (37:06):
Well, there’s a website and I think it’s www.DrNateHearne.com. Also I have a website that is Nate.Hearne@madeupminds.org. Those two. And we have numbers on the website. And, you know one of the things that I do is keynote speaking, and diversity training, and personal coaching. My wife and I do those for school districts and in organizations. That’s my heart and that’s how you can get in touch with me.
Jake Enriquez (37:45):
Okay. And for those listeners today, if you’ve never heard Chaplain Hearne speak – what a blessing! Man, you have blessed me many times over just to hear you speak, man, because you, by the way, you bring forth not only compassion, but passion and fire, man, and you let it go! Uh, I’d always love to hear you speak, man. So for the listeners, whoever may be hearing this, please go and catch up with Dr. Nate Hearne. I know him as Chaplain Hearne, but “Dr. Nate Hearne” online, man, and you guys you’d be in for a treat just to be able to hear him speak. Thank you so much. I’m going to ask you before we leave, man, would you close us out in prayer?
Nate Hearne (38:29):
Sure will. Let us pray. Most gracious and heavenly Father, we just come to You with our heads bowed and our hearts open to whatever You have in store for us. Father, we know we say sometimes that when we hear all of these things that brother Jake has just talked about, all these pandemics and racial unrest and unemployment and all of these things, we have a tendency to get self-absorbed and we have this tendency to think that you are not in charge. Father, we know better. There’s nothing that has happened that You don’t know about it, and that you have a plan for. You have a plan for everything that’s happening. So let us be patient, let us put our hands ourselves in Your hands. It’s like they say in Isaiah, “I hold you in My right hand, and I am going to take care of you.” Let us have faith in those words, because it comes from an inspired Bible. My brother, Jake, he has a beautiful family, he has a beautiful spirit, beautiful wife, Father, You just continue to bless him so he keeps reaching out and doing these podcasts and connecting with people because that’s what this world is made of. It is about humility in unity. And we just thank You for Your grace and Your mercy. Amen.