037: The Family Corner

Press and Reach is all about focusing on the Good News!  We highlight three areas: faith, family, and community.  We remain faith-based, which is to say, we’ll continue to share how the Lord makes a difference in every aspect of our lives.  We’ll also continue to introduce you to those out in the community who are making a difference – ministries, nonprofits, entrepreneurs, and business leaders.  This time around, though, we want to designate more of our time to talk about family.  One podcast each week will be dedicated to family – embracing, encouraging, and equipping families to be cornerstones within our communities.  At Press and Reach, we’re operating in faith, believing in God’s promises to us in His Word:

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Psalm 128 (NKJV)

1Blessed isevery one who fears the Lord,

Who walks in His ways.

2When you eat the labor of your hands,

You shall be happy, and it shall bewell with you.

3Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine

In the very heart of your house,

Your children like olive plants

All around your table.

4Behold, thus shall the man be blessed

Who fears the Lord.

5The Lord bless you out of Zion,

And may you see the good of Jerusalem

All the days of your life.

6Yes, may you see your children’s children.

Peace be upon Israel!

Maybe it looks like this applies to some families, but not yours.  Maybe your marriage seems beyond repair.  Maybe your kids are really off track and there seems no end in sight.  Brother, Sister – Psalm 128 is for you too!  You can’t wait for your spouse to get right.  You can’t wait until your kids are under control.  No, you have to be the one to get right.  Line up your life to God’s will, walk in His ways, and there you’ll find the blessings.  It won’t be done in your strength, or your way.  You might have the desire for change, but there’s only one way to do it and that is to line up to the will and way of the Lord Jesus Christ.

This world is in turmoil.Marriages are dissolving and families are broken.  Our youth are struggling with the strong pull of the world and don’t know how to stand strong.  What are we doing to make things better?  We’ve got to be the demonstrated Word of God – to our spouses and to our kids.  They follow what they see a whole lot more than what they hear.  When our hearts are willing, God teaches us His will and His way as we go.  And that’s what’s on our heart for the Family Corner.  Your personal relationship with Christ is of utmost importance.  After that, it’s your family.  Let’s put Christ back in the center of our families.

Stay focused on the Good News!

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Transcript coming soon.

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