Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Larry Bird – all basketball greats, no doubt. But outside of basketball, what can they do for us? Nothing, because we’re all out here playing in the game of life, and it’s serious business. We’re not meant to do life alone, and we need a team around us. We all have friends in our lives somewhere. They might not be such godly friends, or maybe they are and we just don’t know how to reach out to them. If you don’t have your own personal dream team, it’s time to put one together. Start with asking yourself, who can I team up with? Who can I count on? Who can I trust? Who can I open up to? Details Click Here
Today we have a guest out of New Caney, Texas who comes willingly to share her story of faith. Though childhood was certainly not easy, Kathleen sets her mind on all that God has done. Sometimes we just don’t know or understand the burdens of others or how that has made an impact on their lives. However, when God restores us He puts a brand new song in our hearts, one that we can’t help but sing. Listen in as Kathleen shares her story of growing up in fear, sadness, and brokenness to learning how to simply rejoice in the Lord. She moves forward to Serve, Sing and Stand for Christ! Welcome to the podcast Jake’s cousin, Kathleen Glover.
We all get impatient. There’s likely one thing that comes to mind that we already know will cause us to lose it pretty quickly. Maybe it’s something silly like being put on hold by customer service or getting cut off in traffic. A lot of times, though, we’re quick to lose patience with those we see often – spouse, kids, coworkers. Why does this happen? And better yet, why should we care? Well, first realize that although we get set off by external factors, it’s an internal issue. Second, when patience runs low, people get hurt.
Today’s guest grew up with our host in small town Kirbyville, Texas. Shared interest in podcasting recently reconnected them. John Largent has worked in healthcare for almost 30 years, a great deal spent focusing on the elderly and aging population. John and his wife of 25 years live in San Antonio, where they are raising their three sons. He’s on the podcasting today sharing how a redirection in life caused him to refocus his talents and experiences to advocate for seniors, as well as the work he’s now doing in that field.
As real estate investors, fixer-uppers are part of the territory – taking less than desirable homes and updating them to fit the current market. We’ve purchased some properties in really bad shape and transformed them into a home to be proud of. I’m not just talking about broken windows and poor landscaping. I’m talking houses that are an absolute wreck from the floor up – foundation to the roof. As a matter of fact, a neighbor to one of our recent projects suggested bulldozing the house entirely and starting over, it looked that hopeless. Have you ever looked at somebody and thought the same thing? “There’s just no way. God can’t do anything with them”? The way they live, the choices they make – they just seem too far gone to turn around? As believers, our whole purpose out here is to advance the Kingdom of God. We’re supposed to be lifting up the name of Jesus and reaching people for Christ. To do that, to introduce people to Christ, we’ve got to recall God’s word and believe it to be true. One,remember that while we were still sinners (and in opposition to God) Christ died for us. And two, believe that He desires all to be saved, even the ones who look like “total tear-downs” to us. So how can we help others get to the process of transformation by the One who makes all things new?
‘“Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock. “But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.”’Matthew 7:24-27
No doubt, being a parent is an absolute blessing. Difficult and challenging at times, sure, but we know that the role of raising children is nothing to be taken for granted. Nothing puts that in perspective like having friends who are empty nesters. In what feels like the blink of an eye, the babies grow up and the noisy house is down to two occupants (Lord willing). So, how do we build a strong foundation that prepares them for going out on their own and not only surviving, but thriving, as adults?
Have you ever gotten to the point where you’re really not in touch or in tune with God? A time when you just weren’t feeling it? Maybe you find yourself in that spot today. What do you do when you get to that point? First of all, it’s encouraging when any of us recognizes that we aren’t where we want to be or need to be spiritually. So, how do you get back on track? How do you draw near to Him? Good news, friend! You can start today.
Miriam-Webster provides this as one of the definitions of “motivation”: the condition of being eager to act or work. A condition that, more often than not, is temporary. Motivation definitely has its place and serves a purpose. But motivation only gets you so far. It’s like a shot of adrenaline, one whose effects gradually fade away. After the motivation wears off, you come back to reality and not much has changed. So, what do you do to get motivated in your marriage or motivated in your business? Realize this – you’re not really looking for motivation; you’re looking for an understanding.
No doubt about it – if you’re a dad, you’re going to make mistakes. You’re going to get it wrong. The struggles and challenges are different from day to day and family to family. The good news is, there’s room for improvement. So whether you’re just getting started in this thing called fatherhood, or you’ve raised all of yours and are watching them become adults, the job is not done and it’s not too late to be a better dad.
Our host met today’s guest back in 2011, when he was serving in the Kairos Prison Ministry. At that meeting, Brother Daryl Monmouth got up and shared a word. Jake recognized that Daryl was a minister within the walls of that unit. A friendship formed between these brothers in Christ. Now a “liberated ex-con”, Daryl served 21 years and six months in prison and is married, working full time, and excited about living life and continuing to get “reacquainted with society”. Brother Daryl’s joy is contagious, and he’s on the podcast sharing what God has placed on his heart today.